My Friend Dawn
Picture this:
A house, valley, river
And hill
The softness of trees
Early mist wet low and lingering
Day begins and that first ray stretches through with its dark light and pause
A voice
And others
A hundred easy
Hundreds surely
If you were to count the trees, hedges, fields, lanes and gardens
How many in amongst the village and all along the roads and rivers?
Joining each town each city
Reaching from the heartlands to the sea
And at every turn and all amongst
What must be a million voices calling singing celebrating
Get this:
All at once they call out and cheer
All at once loudly cry
And they don’t do it the once and gone
They don’t give it a minute then end
They cheer along until that sun has fully risen and surely arrived
Each day and every day of this week and year and last and a million times before all that
And you
Each time
Sleep through it.